Friday, October 05, 2007

Dame Edna's Fashion Advice for Bush

You little darlings!

This week we bring you some topical interactive gigastar fun (I'll bet that's a phrase you never thought you'd hear...)

Let me explain.

Last month, little George Bush visited Dame Edna's Australian homeland for the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit. The media were, of course, on hand to watch his every move, and much to the enjoyment of intelligent folk around the world, report on his gaffes.

Among his comical errors during his stay, he was reported to say in a speech that he was happy to be at the OPEC meeting.... Bless, the poor dear didn't even seem to know where he was or why he was there!

In addition to it's serious reporting, the Sydney Morning Herald website has also provided readers with a cyberspace opportunity to give the President a make-over, Australian style. As you can see below, the choices of outfits for little George are plentiful:

We all know that Dame Edna is an international style icon, and so it seems fitting to see what George would look like in gigastar togs. Perhaps a "Kenny Everage Original" would suit? What do you think:

Well, maybe it's a look that only a woman of Dame Edna's sophistication and glamour can pull off. In any event, try it for yourself here!

I expect that Dame Edna will be relieved when little George moves out of the White House. We all know that she generously gives advice, wisdom and healing to leaders all over the world. They rely on her her experience and sophistication all the time. But the current president has been something of a burden to our beloved gigastar. After all, it's common knowledge that he regularly calls and wakes her in the middle of the night from the other side of the globe..... The poor mite doesn't seem to know there are time zones!

Until next time, Possums! Bye-bye!

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