Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Get Well, Dame Edna!

Oh Possums!

The life of a beloved Housewife/Gigastar is never an easy one. After decades of 'giving', Australia's favourite international phenomenon, Dame Edna, has been advised by her trusted doctor, Dr. Schadenfreude, that she requires a "little feminine procedure" and several months of rest. Sadly, this means that she has had to postpone both her American tour and her much anticipated appearance at the Glasgow International Comedy Festival.

And in a spooky ole coincidence, we learn that Dame Edna's manager Barry Humphries has also been told by doctors to rest after an appendix operation in Australia last month.

We wonder if they are recuperating in the same wing of the hospital? Perhaps Dame Edna has dispatched her trusty New Zealand bridesmaid Madge to offer some bedside care to the ailing Humphries? Madge is well used to hospitals, having assisted Edna with the care of her beloved husband Norm during all the years he had a "hint of chrome" about him. They say Madge was his right hand.... Well, what use is a New Zealand bridesmaid if she can't lend a helping hand from time to time?

In any event, we wish them both a speedy recovery and eagerly await the news of Dame Edna's triumphant return to the stage in the very near future! No doubt her juices will be flowing again in no time!

And finally, to celebrate both of these comedy legends, here is a link to a few segments from the marvelous TV documentary "Barry Humphries: The Man Inside Dame Edna". It was a truly fabulous look at a comedy genius and his inimitable creation. Enjoy:

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